Depression Older Adults

Geriatric depression is a mental and emotional disorder affecting older adults. Feelings of sadness and occasional “blue”” moods are normal. However, lasting depression is not a typical part of aging.

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These fact sheets are brought to you through a joint partnership with the National Council on Aging. Mental Health America collaborates with the National Council on Aging (NCOA) My Medicare Matters campaign in support of our joint goal of assisting older adults to access mental health resources through Medicare.

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This nursing Best Practice Guideline (BPG) is intended to replace the RNAO (2010) BPGs Screening for Delirium, Dementia and Depression in Older Adults and Caregiving Strategies for Older Adults with Delirium, Dementia and Depression.

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Mental Health Article: Depression among older adults can be serious and treatable. by Edward Wagner, M.D. University of Washington Health Promotion Research Center

Depression is a true and treatable medical condition, not a normal part of aging. However older adults are at an increased risk for experiencing depression.

Task Force recommends depression care management at home for older adults with depression. Read effectiveness and economic evidence from the systematic review.

For adults with anxiety and depression, relaxation techniques like yoga, meditation, massage and progressive muscle relaxation are effective

Depression in Older Adults Recognizing the Signs of Elderly Depression and Getting Treatment. Have you lost interest in the activities you used to enjoy?

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This article describes a cognitive behavior therapy (CBT) intervention for suicide prevention in older adults. Although many studies have found that CBT interventions are efficacious for reducing depressive symptoms in the elderly, researchers have yet to evaluate the efficacy of such interventions for preventing suicide or reducing suicide

How Does Depression In the Elderly Differ From Depression in er Adults? Depression impacts older people differently than er people. In the elderly, depression often occurs with other medical illnesses and disabilities and lasts longer. Depression in the elderly is associated with an