Hetero Sex Stories

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This happened a few years back. I had recently left the service. I was in the Navy, CB’s, and after 6 years, I finally left. I was only 25 at the time, and came back home, to …

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A collection of original, kinky erotic fiction and poetry by a variety of authors; plus links to pics and videos of hot naked men and sexy couples fucking.

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THE OFFICE PARTY After Amanda got home she stripped down to her panties and laid down in bed. She began to rub her hands up and her ample tits and then slid her hand down to her crotch and reveled in how wet she was.

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Over 5,000 free sex stories. This site is updated daily with new stories and photos Personal collection of free erotica, sex stories, erotic fiction, porno stories and first person tales about analsex, gangbangs, groupsex, interracial sex, slut wives, gangbanging, forced sex, mind control, and college virgins.

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Personal collection of erotica, sex stories, erotic fiction, porno stories and first person tales about analsex, gangbangs, groupsex, interracial sex, slut wives, gangbanging, forced sex, mind control and college virgins.

Free Adult Stories. Welcome to adult stories! We have one the largest selections of free adult sex stories on the internet. We have sex stories featuring all types of categories, including first time virgin sex stories, lesbian sex stories, gay sex stories and regular hetero adult stories.

Erotic Story Room (A to L) These stories are for adults only and include graphic and sometimes shocking content. The stories in this collection are …

Hetero Sex Stories 11

Personal collection of erotica, sex stories, erotic fiction, porno stories and first person tales about analsex, gangbangs, groupsex, interracial sex, slut wives, gangbanging, forced sex, mind control and college virgins.

Hetero Sex Stories 59