Really Gay Dude

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Stories by, for, and/or about Gay and Bi People.

“The Dude” Lebowski, mistaken for a millionaire Lebowski, seeks restitution for his ruined rug and enlists his bowling buddies to help get it.

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Really Gay Dude 31

Really Gay Dude 89

Michael Sam was the first openly gay player to be drafted in the NFL and the first openly gay player in the CFL, but he still has his sights set on the ultimate goal of playing in an NFL regular-season game.

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In-depth interview with erotic nude model Peter Le, of Asian Muscle Worship site Le talks about his site and his books. Hot pictures included.

Really Gay Dude 27

Really Gay Dude 101

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Really Gay Dude 101

Really Gay Dude 87

Really horny and naughty hot dude jerking off on cam for everyone to see…damn! I bet you’d want a piece of that fat cock and beautiful ass!

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Really Gay Dude 100